Wednesday, November 24, 2010

KitKat (Nestle) Advertisement and Sub


  1. That subvertisement is pretty out there man. Way to draw attention to companies using the third world for cheap cocoa harvesting labour.

  2. Advertisement Analysis- The images in my advertisement work to promote it because my product is in the ad, and they go hand-in-hand with my slogan. My slogan means that if you are having a rough day than you can take a break from it and eat a KitKat for enjoyment. I depicted the product bigger than it really is so it looks like the hockey player has a gigantic KitKat instead of his hockey stick. The intended audience is anyone who likes the delicious taste of KitKats, but probably grabs the attention of hockey fans more than anyone. It does this because two guys are flying through the air during a check. I have used the AIDA effect well, i have an attention grabbing ad and it tells you to take a break and eat a KitKat. I have tried to bring in the basic appeals.........will add more later

  3. this is the more added later part............The main appeal that this ad has is the need to escape, the slogan is "Tough day, Need a break? Grab a KitKat" It appeals to the need to escape because it offers you a break from the day, from your problems, from life. It partly has the need for aesthetic sensations as it has a large KitKat logo on the boards, and it has a neat picture of hockey players. The final need this ad has in it is the physiological need, the need to eat. As KitKat is a food product, it appeals to hungry people.

  4. The images work to "premote" my product because the man is using a KitKat bar as a club to hurt the children. This ad is actually demoting KitKat or Nestle'. A small child is about to be hit by a giant KitKat bar which is ironic because its the product that the children are used to produce because they work on the cocoa farms. Nestle has been charged with various charges pertaining to child abuse and child laborers. My slogan is a play on words of KitKat's own slogan pertaining to taking a break, it asks if the children need a break than says too bad! I depicted the product larger than it actually is so that it can look like a club for the man. My intended audience is anyone who likes to eat chocolatey treats such as a KitKat, it attracts their attention because it's quite a scene happening in the ad. You're curious as to why a man is using a KitKat bar as a club and about to hit a small child. I have used the AIDA effect fairly effectively, i have the same factors as i had for my advertisement, i have an attention grabbing ad and a slogan that does not exactly call for action directly, but in the sense of these children need help it does induce some call for help. This ad displays the need to nurture because it makes you want to help the children, it also has the opposite of the need to dominate, you want to stop the corrupt nestle company from dominating. possibly more to folloowwo later
