Monday, November 22, 2010

Blog Post #2

The VALS survey yielded a striver as a primary type and an experiencer for a secondary type. I am a Striver in every way but money aspect of it. I am motivated by achievement and am concerned with the approval and opinions of others but money does not define success for me. Money does not define me in any way, and my entire life is focused on my future career as opposed to the Striver belief that these people have jobs rather than careers. I am also not a consumer and hate to shop and display any wealth at all because it makes me think of those less fortunate. It is also stated that a striver's type of media is radio and television. I listen to radio all of the time, but I never watch television.

My secondary type was experiencer, and like a striver, I agree with parts and disagree with others. I am somewhat motivated by self-expression but am tempered by self-consciousness. I am young and enthusiastic but am not an impulsive consumer. I have a high level of anxiety that makes me pause and think things through. Experiencers quickly become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are equally quick to cool. I agree with the first part of this statement but I do not "cool" down. When I get an idea I run with it until it is complete. I seek variety and excitement and savour the new, offbeat and risky, exactly what this type dictates. It also states that experiencers find outlets for their energy in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation and social activities which describes me with an accuracy I am hard put to deny. It is also stated that an experiencer's types of media are magazines and internet. I like the idea of magazines but have not endeavoured to find one I like, but I use the internet for everything.

Overall these two types suggest my spending habits should be directed to purchasing the most expensive and trendy items both to emulate those of high material wealth and to look "cool". I should also feel that I never have enough to meet my desires and be an impulsive consumer. In reality, I am the exact opposite. I am actually repulsed by the idea of owning expensive items because it is a sign of undisciplined and useless indulgence. Why buy something so expensive when it is just going to get wrecked and when you can get the same thing cheaper?

Most of the class fell into striver as either their primary or secondary type. This suggests that we as a young generation, have been sucked into the world of advertising. We think that owning expensive items will elevate us in society, not a surprise considering the celebrities whom we hold as role models.

According to my VALS type and the 15 appeals, I should relate to ads that stoke the impulsivity of both strivers and experiencers. Both of these types are also strongly based in the social aspect of life. Experiencers expend energy is social situations while strivers shop because it is a social oppurtunity and they like to show off to others. So appeals like affiliation, achieve, prominence, attention and autonomy should spark my interest. However, while reading through the 15 appeals, I found that escape, satisfy curiosity and acieve most sparked my interest. I do not watch TV, but I know the posters that most catch my eyes are the ones with a grand scene of promised adventure, a positive message, and or one that deals with things I think to matter, like global poverty.  I am drawn to things with thought and messages to make you question commonly accepted ideas, facts that stand as contrary to the striver and experiencer type.

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