Friday, November 19, 2010

BLOG POST #1 (Dallas)

Honda Ad-

Audience- The audience for this ad is geared towards any potential vehicle owner, but the vehicle is more likey to attract city folks, soccer moms, people who need a vehicle of this design.

Attention- This ad grabs the viewers attention by having an interesting large scaled domino-like contraption happening. It uses parts that would be in the vehicle its advertising for.

Interest- This ad doesnt invoke much interest, because it just has little reactions going off that dont have much to do with the vehicle other than they are parts that would be used to build it.

Desire- The ad questions "Isnt it nice when everything" This could cause desire to buy this vehicle if your vehicle is a beater or you always have problems with it and just wish it would work. The ad makes this vehicle seem like it will work and go smoothly always.

Action- The ad doesnt word any specific action it wishes to achieve from its viewers but its obvious that they would like you to go buy their vehicle.

Xbox Ad ( Apparently Banned)-

Audience- The audience of this commercial could be for young children up to elders, anyone that likes to play games and hav fun really.

Attention- This ad grabs your attention because everyone is pretending to point their guns that they are making out of their hands at one another and it seems like some intense action despite the fact that there are not real guns. It holds your attention because you can tell its not an ad for a movie and there is cool action scenesee happening so you wonder what this could be advertising.

Interest- This ad causes a bit of interest in buying an Xbox so that you can participate like everyone else in the commercial.

Desire- This ad causes the desire to buy an Xbox so you can play games with everyone, but it doesnt provide any details about which games you could play which causes you to not want it as much as if their were a specific game you wanted to play.

Action- At the end of the ad it states "Jump in" meaning it wants you to get an Xbox so you can join the Xbox community and start participating. The guy was on his cellphone said one sec, but as soon as he was done he "jumped" right in to the game.

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