Thursday, November 25, 2010

Ad and Sub-ad

AIDA Affect:
Audience: People interested in buying GAP clothing
, especially men. The image works in reaching out to men because it shows
Attention: This ad grabs the viewers attention because of the well-known men in black actors and the eight women in bikinis behind them. Also two men dressed in black suits standing in front of a bunch of bikini models is hilarious.
Interest: Two men standing on a beach dressed in suits and holding large guns is a bit out of the ordinary which keeps a viewer's interest.
Desire: This ad leaves you with the desire to invest in the new line of GAP "Black Magic" clothing.
Action: This ad induces the urge to buy "Black Magic" clothing to fit in and feel the invincibility of "doing anything with a bit of magic."
The slogan "you can do anything with a bit of magic" suggests that if you wear any of the GAP Black Magic clothing suggests that you can do anything in stylish black clothing. Because of the ladies in the back it promotes GAP clothing to men who would probably not consider shopping at GAP.

AIDA Affect:
Audience: Supporters of GAP, GAP shoppers, Global activists

Attention: This ad grabs your attention via the contrast in colors between the two pictures, and the gathering of children with their fists raised.
Interest: The ad captures and keeps your interest with the smudged out words in the black and white picture, which raises mystery.
Desire: The ad might raise the desire to take action against child labour, however, the ad is meant as an object of awareness. Perhaps if GAP wearers were more conscious of what they were supporting they would stop investing in such a horrible cause.
Action: The ad is a choice ad. It gives you the choice to stop promoting child labour and do something about the crimes enforced upon children in third-world countries, Or the choice to walk away.
The ad is affective because it shows the "Black Magic" that GAP shows us in the picture with the smudged out words and in contrast it shows the real truth, "the truth of color". The images I chose are shocking at first, its obvious that the children are protesting but in the first image it is unclear what the issue is. The second image enlightens the reader which is effective in revealing the truth of child labour.

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