Monday, November 22, 2010

VALS Servey (Sam's)

1) Which VAL type are you? What is your assessment of this category? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
I am an Experiencer for my VALS type, my secondary type is a Striver. The primary VALS type represents your dominant approach to life. The secondary classification represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach. I definitely agree with the fact that I am an Experiencer, I like to try things first-hand. I don't really care what anyone thinks of me, so I live life more on the risk-taking side.

2) What does your VAL type suggest about:

a) your spending habits; I'm all about new things, but I don't like following a fade. I'm pretty careless on the amount of money I'm spending. I don't really like to think about consequences. I usually just live in the now.

the types products you consume/buy; Piercings, clothes, hair, sweaters, food, cigarettes, all that fun stuff
c) your age group/demographic; I'm 17.

3) Read over the 15 Basic Appeals of Advertising and determine which appeals, according to your VAL type, you are most likely drawn to. What correlation can you make between these two pieces of data? For example, are teenagers more suceptible to ads that appeal to a need for aggression? Or perhaps appeals for affiliation and sex?
I would say the Need for sex, the Need for escape, and the Need for affiliation appeal the most to teenagers.

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