Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dell lollipop laptop commercial

Audience: this commercial is directed to someone looking to buy a computer

A ttention: the ad grabs your attention because of the catchy song and the many colours used in the commercial and how they show the laptop being made

I ntrest: the need the ad installs is to have a colourful n fun laptop

D esire: you want the laptop because of the pretty colours....however i just like it because of the song

A ction: the ad tells me to go out and buy a dell inspiron laptop


  1. This ad definitely grabs a consumer's attention with the song and colors! It is very creative and by using a well-known song it conjures a feeling of familiarity and therefore trust. Why does the song make you want to buy the laptop? I think the method in which they create the laptops in the commercial again conjures a sense of familiarity. It reminds me of Charley and the Chocolate Factory and, for me, gives it a unique sense of friendship due to the memories of childhood rather than giving me the normal suspicious attitude while looking for products.

  2. I love this song.I have it on my I-Pod. Good choice.
