Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Within the short amount of time that the internet has been fully functional and circulating, it has managed to immerse itself within the lives of the modern day individual. The innovation and inventiveness of a device that allows human beings to connect with one other from all over the world with a touch of a button has without a doubt impacted every life within a first world country. Although, with every positive break-through and intention there is a negative aspect. Social networks such as "Myspace", "Facebook", and "MSN" have allowed individuals to stay in contact with family members and loved ones, keep up with daily events such as birthdays and social gatherings, and view pictures of a new baby cousin that you have yet to meet. These networks have created many heart warming moments and managed to make an enormous world seem as small as your backyard. "Email" has sped up the world of communication beyond anyone's imagination. Instead of waiting weeks to hear from a loved one it is a simple click of a button. Dating websites have connected thousands of individuals with love, hope, and given them a reason to wake up in the morning. If that is not an amazing aspect of the internet I do not know what is! Social networks and dating websites display personal information for all to see which may be dangerous depending on the types of people one interacts with. On the internet one can have a false identity and be whom ever they would like to be. An example of this would be a forty-year old man posing as an eleven-year old boy; these types of false identities have led to many murders, rapes, and missing persons. Social networks have led to cyberbullying, stolen identities, and inappropriate photos displayed online for anyone to see. Personally speaking, I can not imagine my life without the internet. I use the resource every single day to connect with friends and family that live in other parts of the world, research educational information for school projects and papers, and stay informed with the latest music videos. I can only imagine that in ten, twenty, or even forty years from now the internet will expand to every single area in the world, even in the most remote areas of the Antarctic, and if possible if will be even easier to access. I can only hope for a paperless world in order to reduce the causes of global warming and help the environment. With a world that is constantly expanding its horizons and technologically advancing by the second, it is safe to say that no one knows what the future holds.

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