Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Price of Freedom

The Price of Freedom

"By placing discretion in the hands of an official to grant or deny a license, such a statute creates a threat of censorship that by its very existence chills free speech." This quote was spoken by a man who truly understands the meaning and importance of justice, Harry Andrew Blackmun, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States for well over two decades. Recent news broadcasts reporting on the dispute between the Chinese government and Googles decision to lift censorship policies have filled the homes of millions. As a result China has banned the use of Google in the country due to Google breaking terms of the written contract between the two regarding censorship. Google's risky business decision may prove to be damaging to the company as a result of the Internet search market in China growing by an annual rate of forty percent. Google stands firm on the decision to eliminate the censored version of the Internet search and to promote the growing importance of freedom of speech.

Censorship is a one way to control or hide unsavory information from a mass of people. China is infamously known for their communist party government lead by President Hu Jintao. In the case of Google versus China one may argue that the ability for the people to use the unfiltered version of the search engine may symbolize the people of China unauthorized access to freedom itself. Freedom of speech is often over looked in Western civilization because it has become a basic expectation throughout many decades. In China on the other hand, the civilians have grown up not knowing of any other way to live other then the blanketed lies and disguise of communist censorship. The government of China is unwilling to make any exceptions in regards to their laws on censorship. "This is totally wrong. We're uncompromisingly opposed to the politicization of commercial issues, and express our discontent and indignation to Google for its unreasonable accusations and conducts," a Chinese official goes on to say, "Any company entering China should abide by Chinese laws. Chinese internet users will have no regrets if Google withdraws."

Google is taking a stand for the right to freedom of speech for the civilians of China as it continues to “butt-heads” with one of the most powerful countries on the planet. Google’s intent to liberate the people of China may not be as empathic as Martin Luther King Jr.’s fight for equality for mistreated African Americans due to the purpose of Google to turn a profit. Googles courageous business venture proves to the world that freedom the most powerful movement of all, even surpassing the greed for money. "The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage."

Sources: google-drop-censorship-in-china.html

1 comment:

  1. Who spoke the last quote?
    I agree with you when you say Google is standing up for freedom of speech. But I also agree with the rights of the Chinese to govern how they will. This statement is complicated and needs explaining. I don't agree with how the Chinese treat their people and think that Google is taking a big step to waking both the government and her people to the lies they live beneath. However, I don't fault China for how they govern as that is how history has dictated it as. I don't expect them to lay down generations of tradition in favor of Google's opinion, but I do believe this to be an essential step into promoting freedom of speech and information in China. So in conclusion I stand behind Google's perspective and understand why China is reacting the way that it is.
