Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blockade or Opening

The Internet has been at the finger-tips of users around the world for twenty-two years, though it has only been popularly used for and in house-holds for fifteen years. In the beginning it was merely there to mind boggle and perplex the users, but now it seams that five-year olds are capable of using the Internet in their sleep, along with watching T.V. on their laptops, stealing hundreds of dollars of musical productions in minutes and go to a library with out leaving their bed rooms. So is the Internet destroying people's lives or merely enhancing them?

Television shows are now available for viewers to watch on the Internet, giving them the ability to watch their favorite television program on their cell phone or laptop when the comfort of your own home is unavailable. This fitting the hustle and bustle of everyone’s now jam-packed life, pleasing the viewer and producer.

Piracy of music is said to have greatly effected the music industry because the illegal downloading of music in the beginning produced little to no revenue for the music world. Now it is being said to have substantially aided the music industry. It has changed the way the music world produces and creates music.

Reading enriched and in-depth material is a thing of the past. Knowledge is now being condensed to the point, on sites like Wikipedia, that people no longer have to think. There is also no more reason to go to library for research, or to sign out a novel. With E-books there are many readily available books at the click of a button, that you can read on the subway to work and transport in you pocket up the stairs to your office.

Though the Internet is seen to have caused quite a few problems it has also solved problems. There is no more waiting in line, late fees, or closing times hassles. It has also reduced waste; there are no more scratched CDs being tossed into landfills till the end of time, or old and tattered books taking up valuable shelve space. The people in the beginning that were hesitant to the ways of the Internet have now fully converted over to using the Internet to get their product or message out; this creating a catch twenty-two. To keep up with the greater population newspapers and other sources of media such as magazines and news castings and being published and broad casted on the Internet, there fore expanding on the Internet, not slow it down in anyway. There will always be downfalls to the Internet, but it is far more enhancing lives than destroying them.
Pros/Cons of Internet- Class Discussion

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