Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog Post #3 DALLAS

Since the time I have been able to use a computer i have used the internet, when I was very young I used it primarily to look up cheats for games or stuff I wanted to put on my Christmas wishlist. As I got older I began to use it for connecting with my friends and created a hotmail account. Creating a hotmail account opened up many more windows and possibilties to connect with people, I could message them or send photos with ease. As I continues to grow up I began to use the internet more and more, it helped with school, I could check the weather with the click of a button, look up tv listings, watch youtube videos, browse for things to buy on ebay, look up cheats. Without the internet I would not have access to youtube videos, instanst messaging, or the quick efficient way to "read" the book that book I forgot to read. Without the Internet school would have been a lot different, nearly ever large project or paper I write the internet is used. Books have nearly been obsoleted for me because of the internet. As with everything there are pros and cons to the internet. The pros consist of the incredible ability to connect with people all over the world, you can have people on separate continents and they are able to send video images and speak to eachother with nearly no delay, it is a large step up from delivering a paper message to someone which can take days to deliver or even speaking on the phone. Another pro is the access to information, this aspect can be considered negative as well. While its good that you can type in frog and find out everything and more you could ever think of about every type of frog, there is also an equal amount of information that can be considered bad or useless. Pornography is circulated in astonishing amounts, and there are other strange websites that have came to be over the years such as websites prodding people to commit suicide and various kinds of weird cults. There are many types of fraud to go along with the great ability of online shopping and online banking. Peoples money, accounts and identities can be stolen or abused. In 10, 20, and 40 years I cannot really even guess how the internet will be, I think it will have changed dramatically as all technology will have. The feats and possibilities will probably continue to exponentially amaze and grow.

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