Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog post #3

positive and negative effects of the internet
how the internet affects me personally
where you see the internet in 10, 20, 40 years?

While most complaints about the internet say that it is a glorified reason to stay at home and socialize instead of going out and meeting new people or having face to face contact with an actual person. The internet is seen as negative if you use it to communicate with people who live close to you or in the same town, but on the other hand it is a great positive for talking to family and friends who live far away. The internet allows the user to choose who they socialize with instead of having to interact with people who might not have the same interests and may not enjoy the same company which is a negative because you are not taught how to deal with conflict. The internet is negatively affecting our societies ability to socialize and the ability to interact in real life situations, however, it is revolutionizing education and business. Some schools are offering complete courses online for students who may not be able to fit schooling into their busy lives. The internet is the a stock hold of information and some might say it is the fastest and easiest way to find information. Any information a person could need or want is stored on the internet.
The internet affects me mainly in school. I use the information on the internet for assignments and projects in school which helps speed assignments along. Social networks and email are the two things that I use the most on the internet. I find it easier to plan events and coordinate people with facebook instead of using the phone. The internet keeps us all connected, there aren't very many people I know that could say they don't have a facebook account.
In ten, twenty, or forty years I see the internet as being completely different. The internet is continuously changing just like the generations and as well as society's interests. I can't see the internet devolving at all, eventually the most the world will be connected via the web.

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