Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Casey's ad

This ad for Speedo was made with the intention of promoting the company and expanding the general idea of their products. The images in the ad are added for the purpose of amplifying the attention placed on the product, and an idea of being in the spotlight. The slogan deals 3 of advertising's 15 basic appeals; the need for prominence, the need for attention, and the need for autonomy. Each of these needs require you to stand out amongst your peers and this ad represents that. The product is intended for teens- young adult and possibly older, and it grabs the audience's attention through the use of an attractive woman modeling the product. The AIDA effect is used effectively as there is an attention aspect (the girl). There is an intrest factor (trying to understand why people are blacked out). The desire factor is fulfilled through the needs being convayd in this ad, and the
action is that someone will go out and buy a Speedo swimsuit.

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