Friday, December 3, 2010

The internet

There are many positive and negitive aspects to the internet. Positives to it are that you can talk to family far away like in other parts of the world or country. You can also make new friends online or keep in touch with family at home if your off on a long trip. The internet gives you almost instant access to huge amounts of information. You can use it to do anything from chatting with friends to playing games to finding information for a school project. There are however negative aspects of the internet. The internet has broadend how some people are bullied with cyberbullying. Also with internet unless you already know the person in real life you have no way of knowing who they really are. Some people make a complete second life on the internet doing nothing else. The internet can be good and help alot but you have to becareful who your talking to and also what you tell them about yourselfs.

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