Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ad and Sub-ad written analysis


A hot morning cup of coffee with steam serving to invigorate your senses with the lush and tantalizing strokes of delicate tendrils. Composed of heaven's morning dew, it drives away the remaining gloom from a barely risen sun. The aroma incites a racing heart as your lips descend to take in the caffeine that acts as a life raft to your damaged ship. The copy ad I contrived is meant to play off of the business man or woman's addiction to their morning cup of coffee as they strive to achieve the life raft instead of the chill and unforgiving waters of burn out and failure. It is commonly accepted that caffeine is essential in every successful person's life. When you are busy, your body needs help to keep up with your mind. Therefore, my logo, “The only way to wake up!” is born. It is a testament to the dependency on exterior influences people have in our increasingly success oriented society. Whether that dependency be on energy drinks, coffee or even drugs, it is commonly accepted that a truly successful person does not run solely upon his or her own power. Examples of this concept can be found in many movies viewed today such as “Kicking and Screaming” when Will Ferrel becomes too immersed in coaching his son's soccer team because he wants to beat his own father’s team. He becomes addicted to coffee, is kicked out of a coffee place because he can't wait in line and runs himself into the ground. With this image in mind, one of determined motivation to succeed to the point when the body can no longer function unaided, this ad targets the business community, the entrepreneurs, the doctors and any others who find life wearing them down with its incessant roar.

The mountain lake and blossoming flowers draw the eyes and stokes the flames of the inherent craving for beauty we all have, the evidence of which being in our love of beaches and models. I made the starbucks logo into the rising sun, shrinking the original and creating a reflection in the water. This symbolizes the power starbucks has on the commencement of one's day, and this statement leads into the basic appeals for what a better appeal than a good morning? A morning blessed turns into a day well spent and a satisfied night, something most crave. I have conjured the sense that without starbucks, the sun will not rise over the beauty that it does in the advertisement. Without starbucks, consumers will never be able to achieve such a day.

I believe that the AIDA effect has been rendered acceptably in my ad. The image is eye catching, the slogan quick and to the point and the meaning clear. However, I also believe that an ad with a simpler picture but still with a profound meaning, would have more of an effect on my audience. The scene is too much to take in and make note of with a quick glance, something that ads must be in the competitive world of advertising. There are so many plastered upon every surface that if one doesn’t display what it wants within a limited amount of time, the consumer’s eyes will be drawn away before the message can sink in. Therefore, in conclusion, despite my satisfied attitude towards my ad, I think its impact would be greater with a simpler picture.


My subvertisement is based on the fact that it costs less than a dollar for a measles vaccination while a latte costs three. It seems that people can afford to buy a product that they can make at home for drastically less, but they can’t afford to save even one of the children that die every minute from measles. The sun rises and Starbucks serves up to 5 million customers as it makes its way across the sky. That is 5 million people who can afford to squander their money on ridiculously priced items. Let’s say, for the sake of ease, that each of these customers merely bought a latte, which is priced at three dollars. That adds up to 15 million dollars wasted, this amount being the barest minimum as most pay much more for pastries and such. 15 million dollars when only $1440 would be needed to save every child from death by the measles for one day. To emphasize the plight of the less fortunate, I placed a spectral figure over the original ad that I created. It is of a little Afghan girl, begging and crying because her parents had just been killed. This little girl exists as a reminder with her wispy body diluting that of the starbucks logo, that as consumers fritter their money away, they are allowing others to suffer and die. It draws the eyes of my audience with its tragic message, and tragedy, as proven with car crashes when everyone stops to look, draws spectators.

The starbucks logo remains in the rising sun, proving to be an irony as it symbolizes waking, yet millions of people remain asleep to the plight of those trapped in poverty and the difference they can make. This fact is represented with my logo’s phrase, “The only way to wake up and still remain asleep.” The audience of this subvertisement proves to be the same as the advertisement, coffee-drinking citizens of the first world whose worth is based on success.

The need sparked by this subvertisement is the need to sate one’s guilt at living such a luxurious life while others live as the girl on the poster does. It makes one think of what really matters in life: a ridiculously priced coffee or the life of a child?

As in my advertisement, I believe there is too much to look at in my ad. Between the logo, the words, the scene and the picture of the girl, a consumer’s attention would be lost and drawn to another ad before my message could take hold.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blockade or Opening

The Internet has been at the finger-tips of users around the world for twenty-two years, though it has only been popularly used for and in house-holds for fifteen years. In the beginning it was merely there to mind boggle and perplex the users, but now it seams that five-year olds are capable of using the Internet in their sleep, along with watching T.V. on their laptops, stealing hundreds of dollars of musical productions in minutes and go to a library with out leaving their bed rooms. So is the Internet destroying people's lives or merely enhancing them?

Television shows are now available for viewers to watch on the Internet, giving them the ability to watch their favorite television program on their cell phone or laptop when the comfort of your own home is unavailable. This fitting the hustle and bustle of everyone’s now jam-packed life, pleasing the viewer and producer.

Piracy of music is said to have greatly effected the music industry because the illegal downloading of music in the beginning produced little to no revenue for the music world. Now it is being said to have substantially aided the music industry. It has changed the way the music world produces and creates music.

Reading enriched and in-depth material is a thing of the past. Knowledge is now being condensed to the point, on sites like Wikipedia, that people no longer have to think. There is also no more reason to go to library for research, or to sign out a novel. With E-books there are many readily available books at the click of a button, that you can read on the subway to work and transport in you pocket up the stairs to your office.

Though the Internet is seen to have caused quite a few problems it has also solved problems. There is no more waiting in line, late fees, or closing times hassles. It has also reduced waste; there are no more scratched CDs being tossed into landfills till the end of time, or old and tattered books taking up valuable shelve space. The people in the beginning that were hesitant to the ways of the Internet have now fully converted over to using the Internet to get their product or message out; this creating a catch twenty-two. To keep up with the greater population newspapers and other sources of media such as magazines and news castings and being published and broad casted on the Internet, there fore expanding on the Internet, not slow it down in anyway. There will always be downfalls to the Internet, but it is far more enhancing lives than destroying them.
Pros/Cons of Internet- Class Discussion

Blog Post #2

The VAL types that I have been given are Experiencer and Achievers. There are certain points in the information that is given for Achievers and Experiencers that I do agree with, but there are certain points that are STRONGLY wrong about myself. As an "achiever" I am strongly motivated by the desire for achievement, and have goals that I am in deep commitment to. My social life does have a great amount of family, and friends involved. As an achiever I do give a massive amount of respect and value consensus, predictability, and stability over risk, intimacy, and self-discovery.

Now as a "experiencer" I strongly disagree with the fact that I consume my money is fashion, entertainment, and socializing OR how my purchases reflect the emphasis that looking good and having "cool" stuff are the only way to achieve what I want in life. There is nothing more that I can't stand when I am being judged on spending habits I may or may not have, or the simple joy I have in my life with my friends. This survey seems unrealistic to my life style. I don't spend all my money on fashion, entertainment, and socializing.

ad #2 casey

This image is meant as a subvertisement for Speedo. It takes a a product that is used by many men (the Speedo) and making it look ridicules. This ad does not make you want to jump up and buy a Speedo. The image of a guy in this revealing outfit is usually enough to scare people away like the blacked out people in the picture. It goes against certain needs such as need for aesthetic sensations, and the need for prominence. These two needs encircle how something is pleasing to the eyes or how pretty something is. The position of the man and his clothes are both quite repelling and such they do not help Speedo's image.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blog Post #3

allows people all over world to communicate.
make information publicly available, leave messages for individuals, through e-mail, have live conversations, through chat rooms.
this flexibility surpasses all other types of communications we have had in the past.

internet addiction
spam e-mails
post anything people want (violence, hate, mockery, slander)
main communication between friends and family, instead of face-to-face communication.

How Does the Internet Affect My Life?
keeps me from doing things I should be doing
homework, chores,
helps my keep in touch with my friends in my old school.

Internet in 10 Years?
We will know exactly when our children will be dropped off because the school bus will be connected to the Internet.

The Price of Freedom

The Price of Freedom

"By placing discretion in the hands of an official to grant or deny a license, such a statute creates a threat of censorship that by its very existence chills free speech." This quote was spoken by a man who truly understands the meaning and importance of justice, Harry Andrew Blackmun, an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States for well over two decades. Recent news broadcasts reporting on the dispute between the Chinese government and Googles decision to lift censorship policies have filled the homes of millions. As a result China has banned the use of Google in the country due to Google breaking terms of the written contract between the two regarding censorship. Google's risky business decision may prove to be damaging to the company as a result of the Internet search market in China growing by an annual rate of forty percent. Google stands firm on the decision to eliminate the censored version of the Internet search and to promote the growing importance of freedom of speech.

Censorship is a one way to control or hide unsavory information from a mass of people. China is infamously known for their communist party government lead by President Hu Jintao. In the case of Google versus China one may argue that the ability for the people to use the unfiltered version of the search engine may symbolize the people of China unauthorized access to freedom itself. Freedom of speech is often over looked in Western civilization because it has become a basic expectation throughout many decades. In China on the other hand, the civilians have grown up not knowing of any other way to live other then the blanketed lies and disguise of communist censorship. The government of China is unwilling to make any exceptions in regards to their laws on censorship. "This is totally wrong. We're uncompromisingly opposed to the politicization of commercial issues, and express our discontent and indignation to Google for its unreasonable accusations and conducts," a Chinese official goes on to say, "Any company entering China should abide by Chinese laws. Chinese internet users will have no regrets if Google withdraws."

Google is taking a stand for the right to freedom of speech for the civilians of China as it continues to “butt-heads” with one of the most powerful countries on the planet. Google’s intent to liberate the people of China may not be as empathic as Martin Luther King Jr.’s fight for equality for mistreated African Americans due to the purpose of Google to turn a profit. Googles courageous business venture proves to the world that freedom the most powerful movement of all, even surpassing the greed for money. "The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage."

Sources: google-drop-censorship-in-china.html

Second Life Facts

Internet gaming, addiction, and modern media

Internet gaming is one of the most popular and widespread game genre. It is usual referred to as an MMO or Massive Multiplayer Online game. MMO's can technically be any other type of video game, like a racer, or a shooter. But by far the most popular is the RPG (Role Playing Game) genre. They are both collectively referred to as MMORPG's (Masive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game). The best example of a MMORPG would be World of Warcraft or more commenly known as W0W. It is currently the most popular online game, and it has been maintaining that title since its release in 2003. As the most popular it is often the subject of controversy by the mainstream media, often accused of brainwashing children and using various unethical means to "addict" players to the game.
In my personal opinion these games are so successful and "addictive" for a few reasons. First off, they are fun, is something is fun logic would dictate that people would be inclined to do it often. Secondly, for the most part MMO's usually have some sort of ranking or leveling system for players. Everyone wants to reach the top, and getting better and ranking/leveling up is the only way to do it, this more time put into the is needed by the player. Thirdly, there is the online community. Events, communication over long distances, and even buying and selling are common in most MMO's. This community is somewhat a literal and an abstract theme. One the one hand, a popular MMO like WoW has millions of players, all connected by the same game. On the other hand, its safe to assume that most of the players have never actually met the people there interacting with in person. Clearly, these don't count as hidden mental addictive gimmicks, they are just things that make games fun and enjoyable.

So why is it that so many people belive that games are the digital equivalent of drugs? In my own opinion, there are two reasons. First off, I'm going to go out on a limb an say that most, if not all mainstream media outlets, and the people who report the news, have never even played a game above Pong or Wii Sports on there life. They might also consider behavior that was not present in there generation (such as playing a game on a t.v for long periods of time) bizarre, and worthy of concern. I believe that in there eyes, if you focus on a certain thing for too long, and if more then one person does it, then it must be an epidemic. Just look at how news outlets portrayed the swine flu in Canada, they made it out like this was the new black plague and we had to be on constant guard from this invisible killer. But in reality, compared to our intire population, few people were infected, and the mortality rate was small at worst. These people seem to give off the same message to the public that video games are some kind of virus that is spreading to our children, turning them into mindless delinquents, with no moral bearings, and who are trained to steal cars and murder hookers for fun.

Secondly, there's the mismanagement of information and bias in the media that makes making an informed decision about MMO's and games in general difficult. As an example right off the bat, lets consider the BBC's recent Panorama documentary on video game addiction . One of the participants claims that the footage and information found in the video was purposely misleading, as he had volunteered to show how his gaming was not an addiction. Its things like this that give video game fear monger's the ground that they need to claim that MMO's are stealing the souls of the kids that play them. In contrast, its hard to believe that looking at the websites of these MMO's will be any less biased.

Keep in mind that these are just my own opinions, and should be treated as such. However, as an avid gamer with considerable knowledge on the subject, I would advise you to at least consider my opinions. Internet games are not a soul destroying evil, as the media portrays it to be. The Media is uneducated, and are more concerned with creating an interesting story based around fear and danger then a boring truth. These come together to form a semi self sustaining cycle that creates a bad reputation for MMO's and video games in general. I say semi because to spite the media trying its best to harm video games for whatever reason, they are still an extremely successful genre of entertainment. And it is my firm belife that it will continue to be until a more popular until something new replaces it.

Casey's ad

This ad for Speedo was made with the intention of promoting the company and expanding the general idea of their products. The images in the ad are added for the purpose of amplifying the attention placed on the product, and an idea of being in the spotlight. The slogan deals 3 of advertising's 15 basic appeals; the need for prominence, the need for attention, and the need for autonomy. Each of these needs require you to stand out amongst your peers and this ad represents that. The product is intended for teens- young adult and possibly older, and it grabs the audience's attention through the use of an attractive woman modeling the product. The AIDA effect is used effectively as there is an attention aspect (the girl). There is an intrest factor (trying to understand why people are blacked out). The desire factor is fulfilled through the needs being convayd in this ad, and the
action is that someone will go out and buy a Speedo swimsuit.

Blog Post #3 -(The Forgotten Post)

This is what I'd like you to comment on for the third blog post:

"In 40 short years, the Internet has grown at a startling pace. For your third blog post, please discuss the following:

1) The positive and negative aspects of the Internet.
2) How the Internet has affected your life personally.
3) Where you see the Internet in 10 years, 20 years, 40 years.

Happy blogging.

Blog Post #3 DALLAS

Since the time I have been able to use a computer i have used the internet, when I was very young I used it primarily to look up cheats for games or stuff I wanted to put on my Christmas wishlist. As I got older I began to use it for connecting with my friends and created a hotmail account. Creating a hotmail account opened up many more windows and possibilties to connect with people, I could message them or send photos with ease. As I continues to grow up I began to use the internet more and more, it helped with school, I could check the weather with the click of a button, look up tv listings, watch youtube videos, browse for things to buy on ebay, look up cheats. Without the internet I would not have access to youtube videos, instanst messaging, or the quick efficient way to "read" the book that book I forgot to read. Without the Internet school would have been a lot different, nearly ever large project or paper I write the internet is used. Books have nearly been obsoleted for me because of the internet. As with everything there are pros and cons to the internet. The pros consist of the incredible ability to connect with people all over the world, you can have people on separate continents and they are able to send video images and speak to eachother with nearly no delay, it is a large step up from delivering a paper message to someone which can take days to deliver or even speaking on the phone. Another pro is the access to information, this aspect can be considered negative as well. While its good that you can type in frog and find out everything and more you could ever think of about every type of frog, there is also an equal amount of information that can be considered bad or useless. Pornography is circulated in astonishing amounts, and there are other strange websites that have came to be over the years such as websites prodding people to commit suicide and various kinds of weird cults. There are many types of fraud to go along with the great ability of online shopping and online banking. Peoples money, accounts and identities can be stolen or abused. In 10, 20, and 40 years I cannot really even guess how the internet will be, I think it will have changed dramatically as all technology will have. The feats and possibilities will probably continue to exponentially amaze and grow.

Internet Issues- Essay

The Pencil Effect

The Internet is a cultured source of information, which creates ease for the user. It links millions of people, and brings individuals who are geographically miles away right into the same room. Instead of waiting months for "snail mail" to arrive messages arrive almost instantly on the World Wide Web. The Internet is essentially a database which links governmental, educational, and personal networks together to provide the easiest access for the Internet user. Like many things there are positive and negative connotations about the Internet and how it is used. A major issue on the web is the validity of information posted, the question of credible and non-credible knowledge is often discussed. A major source of argument on the internet is the new but well-known website, Wikipedia.

According to: Wikipedia is the seventh most visited website of 2010. Wikipedia is a “Web-based free content encyclopedia,” which in four years of existence grew to be the world's largest encyclopedia. The online encyclopedia can be read and edited by anyone, which for some, raises the question of the accuracy of the content. Because the encyclopedia can be edited by anyone, vandalism and false information can occasionally occur; however, in the event of such a thing there are roughly 16,000 users who monitor the website that will catch a problem and fix it within a matter of minutes.

Personally I think the idea of Wikipedia is brilliant, it is the same theory as a bundle of pencils being stronger than one. The knowledge on Wikipedia is the perspective of millions instead of the opinion of one, which, for me is more accurate then a professional document written by someone who specializes in a certain area. A paper, such as this one is an opinion piece because one person wrote it but on Wikipedia there are millions of users working on each article, if multiple people have the same information it would make the article that much more credible.

As people we need to be able to trust other people, and trust the information that they present to us. In real-life conversations knowledge that a person has and shares with you also may or may not be valid but it is a decision one has to make to see the content as true or false. The Internet is a mode of communication, much like a telephone or letters. If validity is questioned on the Internet and the Internet is found to be at fault, shouldn't the telephone or the post office also be questioned?

Sam's Cyberbullying Essay

Cyberbullying, there are still people who are very unfamiliar with this term. Many parents don't completely understand the impact this word holds. It is defined as a child, preteen, or teen being targeted and harassed by another child, preteen, or teen, through the use of the Internet, mobile phones, or other technologies. This being said, I believe that anybody, anywhere, and of any age can be the victim or the bully. The unique factor in this type of harassment is the intimidation level involved. The fact that the bully is hiding behind email addresses and Face book messages make the emotional effect deeper then the physical, if any physical action even takes place.

Many would ask how one could be intimidated merely by a colourful email, but that's not always the case. Many users are victimized by humiliation, where the bully can post unwanted photographs for the entire world to see. There are cases where insulting names are publicly written up, leaving the public to freely add on to the torture. Why is this a big deal? There are kids who have killed each other and committed suicide after being involved with a cyberbullying incident. This issue is constantly growing due to the amount of technology today's youth is exposed to. The limitations of cyberbullying rely on the child's imagination and accessibility to technology. What is also interesting is that the subject's role can flip around at anytime; they're often the bully who becomes the victim who becomes the bully once again. There are two different categories that break down the methods used to victimize someone in the cyber world. Direct attacks, where the messages are sent to the victim directly. And cyberbullying by proxy, when the bully uses others to help cyberbully the victim, either with or without the accomplice's knowledge. Cyberbullying by proxy often gets adults involved in the harassment, it is much more dangerous.

Why do adolescents choose technology as their weapon of choice? Why not? They could have been frustrated, angered, or seeking revenge on their victim. Sometimes it is done out of boredom or the fact that the subject has too many technologies available without any sort of monitoring. They could do it in order to get a reaction out of the victim or maybe just for a laugh. Sometimes it's done by accident, being sent to the wrong individual, or the bully simply didn't think about how their words sent could affect the recipient. There are also cases that are referred to as Revenge of the Nerd where they are defending themselves from traditional bullying, only to discover they enjoy being the one doing the victimizing. Mean Girls do it to remind others and themselves of their "social status", often thinking they are just standing up for themselves.

What is the action taken in society against this vast issue? Nothing is set in stone, for this issue is evolving and ever changing. There are always separate circumstances and different conditions that apply to the millions of cases. The issue can be brought to the level of a misdemeanor cyberharassment charge, or if the child is young enough may result in the charge of juvenile delinquency. Usually the case does not go that far, but many guardians attempt to pursue criminal charges. If hacking or password and identity theft takes place, serious consequences can result under state or federal law.

Who is to blame for this issue? I used to believe that the bullies were the only ones at fault, but with my further research on this topic I am now convinced that everyone is to blame. Everyone is guilty of negatively impacting another person's life on a daily basis. The victims are guilty of being the bully at one point or another. The people who don't stand up to those doing the intimidation, the victims who take it out on others or don't seek help for the issues they are involved in, and the ignorant parents who don't monitor the things their children are being exposed to or exposing to others are all major contributing factors as to why this issue is growing. I don’t believe that an end can be put to the negativity that all adolescents are exposed to everyday. However, I do believe we can stop it from getting to the point of suicide. Pulling together as a society to help teach that this is not wronging a right. Ruining somebody’s reputation will not make your own better. Monitoring what a person is putting out on the Internet and receiving will do no harm either.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The primary VAL type I received after doing the survey is Striver, the secondary one I got was Experiencer. I agree with some aspects of being a Striver, but not all. It says they are trendy which I don’t consider myself to be, all my clothes are generally gifts, something my sisters picked out or a tourist shirt from various vacations. I also disagree that money defines success, it has a role in it, but I don’t think it is the only factor that defines success. The secondary role of Experiencer states that their energy finds an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation, amd social activities. I agree with this statement because I am an active person who regularly participates in sports and outdoor recreational activities. It also says that Experiencers spend a lot of money on entertainment which is very true for me, because most of the expensive product that I purchase are video games or consoles, or electronic entertainment. My VAL type suggests that my spending habits are as impulsive as my financial circumstances will allow. Also it says that I am a avid consumer who spends a large portion on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. It says that I but “cool” stuff and entertaining stuff. The demographic of Striver/Experiencer is made out to be youthful energetic consumers. The two main appeals that I think are connected to Striver/Experiencer are Need for Affiliation and the Need to Achieve.

Katelyn's Cyber Bullying Essay

Cyberbullying is when you use the Internet to hurt someone. The definition of cyber is of, relating to, or characteristic of the culture of computers, information technology, and virtual reality. Therefore, cyberbullying is using anything that has to do with cyberspace or technology to hurt someone else. There are so many different ways you can do this. You can send hurtful text messages, you can use email and instant messaging systems, there are chat rooms that can be used to bash others and there are voting sites that can be used to create votes such as who the ugliest girl in your school is. Then of course there are things like YouTube that can be used to post humiliating videos of people and it is very easy to put up horrible pictures of people too.

There are many different reasons why people bully others. Maybe they feel bad about themselves and think hurting others will make them feel better. They could have been bullied themselves and so they think it gives them power. Bullying on the Internet can feel anonymous. Bullies will hide behind screen names and will block their numbers from you so you can not see who they are. They might pretend to be someone else. Doing this makes them believe they can control what others think. They think they can not get caught.

People who are being abused online can sometimes figure out who their tormentor is. When someone is on the computer they often use the same words and phrases that they do in person. Sometimes the person talks about things they have done and you can use these things to try and figure out who they are. You should ask yourself if this person sounds like someone you know.

When you're on the Internet you should keep your email address, instant messaging screen name, and phone numbers private from anyone that is not your close friend. You should not forward any emails unless you have the permission of the person that wrote the email. Never open a message from someone you do not know and do not reply to a bully if they send you a email or any other kind of message. You should not post any pictures of yourself online; however if you want to make sure you check with an adult before you do so. You should also never put pictures of your friends on the Internet unless they give you their permission. If someone has been sending you mean messages you should print it out to show it to an adult. Make sure to delete the message afterwards.

There are a lot of people who have had to suffer through cyberbullying. There will probably be many more. Cyberbullying can happen anywhere and anytime. It may be happening right now. Maybe someone you know was once bullied over the internet, maybe you yourself have sent a nasty email to someone. The best thing you can do if you are feeling angry is type up your feelings and what you want to say and save it. You should leave it for at least a day and then re-read it. That will give you time to calm down. You should ask yourself if its worth it or if there might be a better way. There is always something you can do to help yourself or to help others.

Cyber Bullying Essay

According to The National Crime Prevention Council the definition of cyber-bullying is "When the Internet, cell phones, or other devices are used to send or post texts or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person". Usually involving two or more youth with one being constantly harassed or tormented online, cyber-bullying is as simple as sending an e-mail/text message to someone who has asked for no further contact with the sender, however can go to extremes such as; threats, sexual remarks, making someone the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed towards humiliation. A survey in 2004 done by of 1,500 students between grades 4-8 showed that 42% of kids had been bullied on line one in four of these kids said that they had had it happen more then once, 35% of kids have been threatened online almost one in five had it happen more then once, 21% have received mean or threatening e-mails or other types of message, 58% of kids admit someone has been mean or hurtful things to them online. More then four out of ten say that it has happened more then once. 58% have not told their parents or an adult about something mean or hurtful that happened to them online. A canadian study on the topic found that 23% of middle schoolers had been bullied by e-mail, 35% in online chat rooms, 41% by text messages on their cell phones, 41% of the kids surveyed didn't know the identity of their harasser.

For many young people cyber-bullying is extremely traumatic and considered "social death". The only really prominent difference between cyber-bullying and the old fashioned face-to-face bullying is the fact that, with cyber-bullying is that in most cases the bully is kept anonymous. With cyber-bullying its no longer just the "tough kids" bullying someone. It can just as easily be the shy, quiet kid behind the computer.

Only a quarter of cyber-bullies actually bully others in person the other three-quarters wouldn't ever bully someone in person. For the simple fact that many cyber bullies wouldn’t have the guts to say what they say online to someone's face. The other difference to the original bullying then cyber-bullying is that compared to the few people that see and hear the normal style bullying, to the billions of people that see the cyber-bullying and don't say anything. Most witnesses have the state of mind that the victim should not take the talk so seriously and that if they can't take a joke that they should not be on the internet.

Cyber-bullying has made it virtually impossible for kids to escape bullying, kids can be bullied 24/7. For the kids that are being cyber-bullied they can feel like they have no escape from it. The sever cases of cyber-bullying leave the victims with a greater risk of getting anxiety, depression and other stress-related disorders. In some very rare and very sever cases kids have turned to suicide to escape the torture of bullies, take the Megan Meier case for example, insulting the bullies back and talking to her parents didn't work she hung herself with a belt feeling that there was no other way out or away from the torture. Another cyber-bullying case David Knight didn't end as badly as the megan Meier case, however it did end with David dropping out of his high school and finishing his senior year at home. In David's case he was picked on and teased at school. He was sent a message from a friend telling him to check out a webpage. When he opened the page the first things he seen were a picture of him and the title saying that it was the webpage dedicated to making fun of David Knight. Within the pages of the website were posts directed to making fun of him and his family. One of the most frustrating things for the parents of such bullying cases is that the bullies hide behind the computer screens and it is virtually impossible for anyone aside from those involved to know who the bully is.

So the questions remain; "why do kids do this to each other?" "is it out of amusement or some other deeper meaning?" and also "what can parents or other adults do to help?". Well let's look at the answer to the first question "why do kids cyber-bully". Well none really knows the real reason as to why kids cyber bully, however there are a theories as to why kids do this. When is comes to cyber-bullying, kids are often motivated by anger, revenge, or frustration. Answering the second question we find that, in some cases the bullies do it for entertainment, or because they have to much time on their hands. The "power-hungry" cyber-bully will do it just to torment others or to keep their ego. "Nerds" may do it because it starts out with them trying to defend themselves and find that they enjoy being the tough guy/girl. Harsh or mean girls will do it to remind others of their social standing. Some kids even think they are righting a wrong and standing up for others. So as you see there are many reasons why a person will cyber-bully now lets look at what parents or other adults can do
to help.

Because of the fact that the motives for cyber-bullying differ, the solutions of fixing each incident may differ. The best way to stop it is from preventing it from ever happening in the first place. The only way to do this is to educate kids about it, teach them that when you cyber-bully there is a chance they will lose their ISP or IM accounts. Teaching to take a stand against bullying of all kinds will help to. However that doesn’t always help either schools often get sued when they try to take actions and punish kids for it when it is off campus and outside of school hours because they are exceeding their authority and violating the rights of free speech. Because of this parents need to be the one person kids can go when things go wrong and they get bullied. However many kids avoid this option....why? Well parents are known to over react and the victims fear that their parents will overreact and make it worse. So what CAN parents do? Well they need to be supportive of their kids, words and cyber attacks can easily wound a child, let the school know so that someone can look out for in-school bullying. The big thing though is that the parents stay supportive of their children.

random ad.....

i was bored...

VALS Survey

1) My primary VAL type is Experiencer, which represents my dominant approach to life.
My secondary type is Striver, which represents a particular emphasis I give to my dominant approach.
Yes, I do agree with my result of an Experiencer. I love to experience a lot of different things.
I don't agree with my "Striver" result because the Striver personality doesn't suit me.
"Many strivers see themselves with a job, rather than a career" that is not me.

2) My VAL type suggests that I am motivated by self-expression. Young, enthusiastic, and impulsive consumers, Experiencers quickly become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are equally quick to cool. Experiencers seek variety and excitement, savoring the new, the offbeat, and the risky. Their energy finds an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation, and social activities.
Experiencers are avid customers and spend a comparatively high proportion of their income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. Their purchases reflect the emphasis that they place on lookign good and having "cool" stuff.

3) 15 Basic Appeals of Advertising.
According to my VAL type the ones that appeal the most to me are The need to Achieve, Need for Attention, Need to Escape, Need to Feel Safe, and the Psychological Needs
Within the short amount of time that the internet has been fully functional and circulating, it has managed to immerse itself within the lives of the modern day individual. The innovation and inventiveness of a device that allows human beings to connect with one other from all over the world with a touch of a button has without a doubt impacted every life within a first world country. Although, with every positive break-through and intention there is a negative aspect. Social networks such as "Myspace", "Facebook", and "MSN" have allowed individuals to stay in contact with family members and loved ones, keep up with daily events such as birthdays and social gatherings, and view pictures of a new baby cousin that you have yet to meet. These networks have created many heart warming moments and managed to make an enormous world seem as small as your backyard. "Email" has sped up the world of communication beyond anyone's imagination. Instead of waiting weeks to hear from a loved one it is a simple click of a button. Dating websites have connected thousands of individuals with love, hope, and given them a reason to wake up in the morning. If that is not an amazing aspect of the internet I do not know what is! Social networks and dating websites display personal information for all to see which may be dangerous depending on the types of people one interacts with. On the internet one can have a false identity and be whom ever they would like to be. An example of this would be a forty-year old man posing as an eleven-year old boy; these types of false identities have led to many murders, rapes, and missing persons. Social networks have led to cyberbullying, stolen identities, and inappropriate photos displayed online for anyone to see. Personally speaking, I can not imagine my life without the internet. I use the resource every single day to connect with friends and family that live in other parts of the world, research educational information for school projects and papers, and stay informed with the latest music videos. I can only imagine that in ten, twenty, or even forty years from now the internet will expand to every single area in the world, even in the most remote areas of the Antarctic, and if possible if will be even easier to access. I can only hope for a paperless world in order to reduce the causes of global warming and help the environment. With a world that is constantly expanding its horizons and technologically advancing by the second, it is safe to say that no one knows what the future holds.

Blog Post #3

A blue whale calf gains as much as 200 pounds every 24 hours, growing to be 219 560 pounds and reaching adult hood in 8 to 10 years. 360 985 492 people used the internet in 2000 and 1 966 514 816 people use the internet today. So over a span of ten year a blue whale gains 219 560 pounds and in that same span of time the internet gains 1 604 429 324 users. Cyberspace dwarfs mother nature. It has become uncontested as a universal tool for business, communication and more and it is safe to conclude that the internet has grown exponentially, defying any comparisons. Because of this growth the world can now truly be, and is on its way to becoming, a global village. We have the power to be in contact with any one from anywhere in the world at the mere click of a button. This has offered the ability for companies to expand beyond their physical limitations, removing the problem of travel to make big deals. Any information is also now available at a civilian's desire. You can access anything you want by typing it into google. This takes away power from the government by empowering the people to do their own research about a subject instead of just accepting the government's word as absolute reality. So despite the fact that the internet promotes freedom, from knowledge to who one interacts with, it can also promote anarchy by making the population think they don't need anyone because the internet can sate any appetite that they may have. It puts power in the hands of some who are not equiped to handle it. Humanity is easily influenced, examples being the hoards that followed Hitler and even the existance of eating disorders. There are those that cannot think objectively about information and may find themselves believing whatever they read. Anyone can post anything on the internet, meaning not all of it is true, and there are people who cannot tell the difference. They may be swayed into extremist causes or made to believe things that make no sense. Al Qaeda uses the internet to foster extrimism just like pedafiles find the young and vulnurable online and turn their prey into potential terrorists. Most cults in the United States maintain websites and through them they sell literature, recruit new members and promote themselves. So despite the fact that the interent is a momumental step from freedom's perspective, the fact still remains that some cannot handle the limitless information. Pedafiles, terrorists, false information and people who wish others ill will all dwell on the internet, stalking their prey, and with the demographic of users becoming younger and younger as the internet becomes more easily accessable and widespread, prey is becoming more easy to come by.
For me, the internet has empowered my dreams and brought them brushing against my fingertips. It acts as a window so that I may see into many different lives around the world and better understand them. It has made it possible for me to pursue my passion by educating me so that I may help those across vast oceans improve their lives. It has also provided me with a lifeline. After the three months in hospital I spent last year, recovery has only been possible with the support of those I met in Vancouver. The north has no resources to assist me but with the internet, in particular facebook, I have been able to share stories and give and recieve words of encouragement from those in my same position. So putting it in a broad perspective, the internet has saved my life because if I lacked that support I would not have been able to carry on.
In twenty years I see the internet consuming every aspect of our lives. If we look merely in the 2000's we can see the steady creep of its tendrils spreading out from mere entertainment in our own homes. When I was in elementary, cell phones were non-existant in class rooms but now I hear about problems with them in the younger schools. Cell phones with internet access are now a neccessity with not a day going by without seeing hundreds. I believe this trend will continue until one day we won't need appliances to access the internet. I believe that it has become such a predominate tool in our lives that the technology will be invented enabling our own minds to "surf the web".

Blog #3

The Internet has been around for my entire life; it’s used for every thing. My generation heavily relies on it. In grad school they teach you how to properly use it. In middle school you have to complete projects using the Internet. With books available on the Internet, the use of a library has become obsolete. There are definite advantages and disadvantages to the Internet. It can be used for socializing, home businesses, sharing knowledge and entertainment. People now use e-mail to send their messages quickly and efficiently; snail mail is now hardly ever used except for when mailing large parcels. One of the top ways to get a job in our modern society is on the Internet. People can become too dependant on the Internet. Using it to create a second life or impersonate some one else, which can lead to loss of reality and identity theft. With the development of so many social networks now available to youths everywhere, there is no stopping the invasion of cyber bullying in peoples lives. So where will the Internet will be in twenty years? I do not think that can be predicted. Did any one ever think that the Internet would have came this far in forty years?

Friday, December 3, 2010

NEW Victoria's Secret Ad.

The internet

There are many positive and negitive aspects to the internet. Positives to it are that you can talk to family far away like in other parts of the world or country. You can also make new friends online or keep in touch with family at home if your off on a long trip. The internet gives you almost instant access to huge amounts of information. You can use it to do anything from chatting with friends to playing games to finding information for a school project. There are however negative aspects of the internet. The internet has broadend how some people are bullied with cyberbullying. Also with internet unless you already know the person in real life you have no way of knowing who they really are. Some people make a complete second life on the internet doing nothing else. The internet can be good and help alot but you have to becareful who your talking to and also what you tell them about yourselfs.


This is my ad for the Xbox 360 elite it grabs your attention with the background and big xbox in the middle of the screen people would stop to look at it because of the intricate background and the saying at the top of the ad "for the elite gamer" the saying grabs the attention because everything else is green yet the slogan is a dark blue and stands out well against the green, the slogan makes you think that if you have an xbox 360 elite that you are one of the best gamers.

The audiance that this ad is aimed for are the gamers people who love gameing or are atleast somewhat intrested in games and game consoles.

I think that i did a reasonable job on my ad it stands out and grabs attention of anyone who looks at it thanks to the background and the slogan says that if you are the best of te best you have to have this console.

Blog Post 3

The Internet is something that many youths today take for granted. We have all grown up with it, rely on it, and cannot live without it. There has never been a time when the Internet was non existent for us. A vast amount of information is available through the Internet; some beneficial, but others not. Positive aspects of the Internet includes the ability to easily access information on essentially anything and everything, and the ability to connect with others online, and it's convenience. Information gathered online can be used for research and education purposes. The ability to connect with others online is convenient when someone close has moved or in other cases, many online dating sites have been created to meet new people. However, with every positive aspect, there is an opposite and, in my opinion, greater negative aspect. Since information is so easily accessed, anyone can gather information with the intent of harm. This problem has come about in many forms such as stalkers, and terrorists. Connecting with others online can be harmful in terms of online bullying, and even child predators. The internet is an important aspect of my life. It allows me to research various topics for school, keep connected with the ones i love who have moved away and with much regret, I am a facebook addict much like the majority of youths today. With the years to come, i predict that the internet will continue to grow exponentially and soon enough a good majority of information that is posted online will be false and a greater portion of the internet will be of porn and social networks.

Extra Ad for NERDS

Yeah this was just a extra one I really wanted to do. In case you can not read it properly the speech bubble says "Dude you are such a nerd!"


I did my ads on the Xbox 360 elite the first picture is my subvertisement if you are a gamer and a fan of the Xbox 360 you would know that the red ring of death is not acctually a type of Xbox its acctually what they called the little flashing red light that you get on the power button when your x box is haveing technical problems or failures. The ad if you know about the Xbox 360 makes you not want to buy it for the simple fact that they are known to crash and have alot of technical problems 

The Interent

The positive aspects to the internet is that you can find any information you need and usually fairly quickly. You can stay in contact with friends and family who are on the other side of the world. You can further your interests and some people use the internet to get their names out their by publishing their own works of art or literature. The downside to the internet is you do not have to be yourself. For example a 50 year old man can say he's a 20 year old women. You can easily be taken advantage of by child predators and con men/women. The internet can drag you in and for some people it can become their entire life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blog post #3

positive and negative effects of the internet
how the internet affects me personally
where you see the internet in 10, 20, 40 years?

While most complaints about the internet say that it is a glorified reason to stay at home and socialize instead of going out and meeting new people or having face to face contact with an actual person. The internet is seen as negative if you use it to communicate with people who live close to you or in the same town, but on the other hand it is a great positive for talking to family and friends who live far away. The internet allows the user to choose who they socialize with instead of having to interact with people who might not have the same interests and may not enjoy the same company which is a negative because you are not taught how to deal with conflict. The internet is negatively affecting our societies ability to socialize and the ability to interact in real life situations, however, it is revolutionizing education and business. Some schools are offering complete courses online for students who may not be able to fit schooling into their busy lives. The internet is the a stock hold of information and some might say it is the fastest and easiest way to find information. Any information a person could need or want is stored on the internet.
The internet affects me mainly in school. I use the information on the internet for assignments and projects in school which helps speed assignments along. Social networks and email are the two things that I use the most on the internet. I find it easier to plan events and coordinate people with facebook instead of using the phone. The internet keeps us all connected, there aren't very many people I know that could say they don't have a facebook account.
In ten, twenty, or forty years I see the internet as being completely different. The internet is continuously changing just like the generations and as well as society's interests. I can't see the internet devolving at all, eventually the most the world will be connected via the web.