Tuesday, January 4, 2011

If used in the wrong ways it can be deadly

``The Internet``

Using the Internet, mobile devices, or any other digital technology to torment, threaten, harass, humiliate, or embarrass another person is called Cyber bullying. Many people seem to over look cyber bullying as being a minor thing however it can be extremely dangerous. The Internet is mainly used in a positive way however today’s youth have turned it into a powerful weapon. Now it’s not only the “tough kids” that are the bullies it can be the shy, quiet kid acting out aggressively having the safety of being hidden behind their computer screens. The Internet also allows the bullies to reach their victims anytime, anywhere all at the same time staying completely anonymous. Cyber bullying can also affect kid`s moods and attitudes. It can make them feel angry, sad, hurt, embarrassed and even afraid. These feelings can lead to behavioural problems such as loss of concentration, low school achievement, and absentees from school. Cyber bullying may also cause anxiety, low self esteem, withdrawal from school, lack of sleep, loss of appetite, and in extreme cases suicide.

Over time cyber bullying can turn into “cyber stalking” or “cyber harassment” which is a crime that has legal consequences and can even result in jail time. This can involve people hacking into your computer, stealing or guessing your passwords, locking you out of sites and even out of your entire computer. More serious cases people can put out blogs or texts in your name costing you lots of money in fines. Sexting can also expose kids to cyber bullying. Even if the personal messages and photos are sent to friends of boy/girl friends the information can be very damaging if the relationships sour or the photos get leaked out. People can also create false accounts and pretend to be your friend to acquire personal information to spread around. This can result in negative ways for example “The Megan Meier case”

Megan Meier committed suicide on November 6 1992 due to cyber bullying. Megan had befriended a 16 year old boy named “Josh Evans” on her my space account. The account was a fake and was created to slander Megan. The account was created by one of Meier’s friend’s mom “Lori Drew”. She had done it because she had heard Megan spread rumours about her daughter so to get back at Megan this was her idea to create an online account to harass Megan and make her feel bad. However Lori had no idea Megan had been battling depression for three years and this finally drove her to take her own life. Phoebe Prince was also a victim of cyber bullying who took her own life after months of online bullying. She was 15 years old. Tyler Clementi jumped off a bridge and died when he found out his roommate was posting private images online.

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