Sunday, January 23, 2011

Analysing Ads for the AIDA Effect # 2

The reason I choose this Ad is not only because it is very powerful and shocking as some would say, but it also has a lot of meaning personally to me. Me and a close friend were on the topic of driving and how fatal it can be if someone were to make even the slightest wrong decision while doing it. I showed her this ad and not even twenty minutes later she got a phone call telling her that two of her friends had died in a car accident. I couldn't believe it, and still to this day have a hard time coping with the coincidence of that event. What I've said doesn't appeal to the objective of this assignment but I thought it would help put a face to the accident depicted in this advert and just how serious reckless driving can be. The audience for this commercial is basically anyone who has ever interacted with a vehicle and also victims of car accidents. It starts off with two teenagers showing affection in a calm environment until a car unleashes chaos and death upon innocent bystanders. The music, change in color from vibrant to dark, and constant images of death and depressing situations all show just how extensive the damage was from one wrong turn. The only thing I disagree with in this ad, and it may just be me over analysing, but when they refer to the accident as a "mess" in the slogan, "the faster you go, the bigger the mess" it just doesn't sit right with me. Calling multiple people's deaths a mess seems like a demeaning way to describe such a tragedy. The call to action is to obey speed limits and just drive cautiously all the time, because you never know just how bad an accident can be.

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