Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blog Post three, INTERNET

1) The positive and negative aspects of the Internet?
Since the Internet has been out there has always been the topic of "Is the Internet good or bad?". The Internet has a lot of positive aspects, including you can find whatever you need to know/want to know, you can keep in touch with people for free, and the big one hours of entertainment for all ages. There are also a lot of negative parts about the Internet, cyberbullying, not all info on the web is the truth, people's reputation can be slandered and ruined forever. Good or bad the Internet is here to stay for years and years to come, it all depends on how you look are it.
2) How the Internet has affected your life Personally?
The Internet personally has effected my life greatly, whenever I have to find something out for school work or find anything out on anything, I have this great invention at my disposal. Other than helping me with knowledge it has helped me to keep in touch with old friends from other towns and family since I have moved. The Internet has affected my life personally in almost all positive ways and few to none negative ways.
3) Where you see the Internet in 10 years, 20 years, 40 years?
I see the Internet in 10 years to be the same as it is today, along with 20 years and 40 years from now. The only thing I see changing is how much information is on the Internet, whatever is already on there will never disappear and whatever will be added will stay there till there is no Internet. The Internet will remain the same until it no longer exists.

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