Tuesday, January 4, 2011

censorship ..casey

Article 19
January 3, 2011 Casey Toews

Article 19. “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This article from the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets forth that Everyone has the right to express their opinions through any media and regardless of the barriers set forth. This to me means that under the human rights I am able to express any opinion and state anything regardless of its origin or validity. Meaning that I can put forth my opinion in any form; be it written, verbal, or imagery.
When a county such as China Imposes the policy of Censorship they are violating basic human rights. Some countries use the excuse of national security (war on terrorism) to null the human rights; yet I wonder why the UN allows Rights to be violated and perverted in such an obvious way. When does this become to much? When does the United Nations bring down the hammer and stop the vicious act? I do not believe that these countries are under such a threat as to deny the rights given out by the United Nations.
Information is not meant to be stopped. It is the connection of the world, and these countries wish to isolate their ideas, and ideals from the rest of the world. They would have their people sit in the dark carrying out menial tasks for the good of their nation. Yet again this action breaches the Declaration of Human Rights Article 19 in not allowing the people to receive the information and having the county in a perpetual state of unknowing. North Korea dominates the people by using the peoples ignorance to their advantage and keeping not only their people in the dark, but the outside world is also pushed back never really knowing what is going on inside the boarders of North Korea.
Censorship is trapping the minds of people behind a wall of ignorance, and it is not right in a moral standing. To implement censorship stunts the capacity to advance in this world, and cannot be the solution a government turns to.

GOOD Magazine. "Internet Censorship." [Online] Available
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPAvg6CU6sI October 21, 2008.

United Nations. "The United Nations Declaration of Rights." [Online] Available

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