Wednesday, December 8, 2010


The primary VAL type I received after doing the survey is Striver, the secondary one I got was Experiencer. I agree with some aspects of being a Striver, but not all. It says they are trendy which I don’t consider myself to be, all my clothes are generally gifts, something my sisters picked out or a tourist shirt from various vacations. I also disagree that money defines success, it has a role in it, but I don’t think it is the only factor that defines success. The secondary role of Experiencer states that their energy finds an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor recreation, amd social activities. I agree with this statement because I am an active person who regularly participates in sports and outdoor recreational activities. It also says that Experiencers spend a lot of money on entertainment which is very true for me, because most of the expensive product that I purchase are video games or consoles, or electronic entertainment. My VAL type suggests that my spending habits are as impulsive as my financial circumstances will allow. Also it says that I am a avid consumer who spends a large portion on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. It says that I but “cool” stuff and entertaining stuff. The demographic of Striver/Experiencer is made out to be youthful energetic consumers. The two main appeals that I think are connected to Striver/Experiencer are Need for Affiliation and the Need to Achieve.

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